I gotta chance to hit the Mohican in North-Eastern Ohio. I had been down this river a a kid but didn’t remember much of it. I got down their Sunday afternoon and found this was an off-week time to go. The crowds were leaving and the water was clearing out , a perfect time for a kayaking trip. I didn’t bring any fishing gear , hearing about the crowds. Someone in our group did , and managed to catch a small musky. Having multiple people with trucks , kayaks and tubes let us ferry back and forth without using a livery. We stayed at Mohican Wilderness private campsite. This kinda improved campsite/ car camping isn’t really my thing , but kids love it. They had showers , bathrooms , a general store with ice and food , and tons of activities for kids. I was also surprised to find a trail that I happily hiked on a 90 degree day.
Having a beverage on a paddle.
The group on a lazy float.
A panoramic picture taken with my new camera a Pentax WG-1. I just started messing with it , but so far the pictures are adequate for a point and shoot. The real draw of this camera is the waterproof rating that kept my other camera at home for a few months.
More new gear , a Gränsfors Bruks Scandinavian Forest Axe. This axe makes quick work of logs , and will work good for smaller kindling. Sharp as razor out of the box , great fit and finish, this might accompany me on winter trips.
The foot bridge to the hiking trail . I was scared to cross this.