Zaleski South Loop

I took a quick day-hike to take advantage of the cool morning and changing leaves. I took a challenging shortcut that ended up not being any shorter. 10.4 miles in 4.5 hours. 2.3 mph moving average. Taking a slower pace allowed me to hear some deer over a ridge and Read more…

Tar Hollow Fall Hike

Located east of Chillicothe, Ohio this 20+ mile figure 8 offers a challenging day hike/ car camping trip. Unfortunately I thought it was a nice overnighter with a backpacking camp on the ODNR website. About 2 miles in; the backpacking camp had a parking lot and the campsites needed reservations Read more…

Zaleski South Loop

Took an overnight trip for the first hike of the summer. I only managed 12 miles in about 8 hours between the 2 days. The second day I abandoned the planned hike of the north loop due to sore calves and heat. An overlook about 4 miles in. The same Read more…

Tarp Tent Squall 2

I’ve been beating the heat by staying inside , but figured I’d shake out , and clean out my favorite tent. I did some research before buying the Squall 2. It’s a non-freestanding single wall tent. Non-freestanding tents have a disadvantage of needing a place to stake. Sand , rocks Read more…

Paint Creek to the Scioto

Started the trip Friday evening at Waters Edge Canoe Livery. Did a quick four mile paddle to unknown campsite. A thunderstorm rolled in right before sunset and got everything in camp wet , except my sleeping bag which stayed in the dry-bag inside my kayak until the rain subsided. A Read more…

Blacklick Creek Trip report

We  started out about 9am Saturday morning north Of Main Street in Reynoldsburg Ohio generally in good spirits and well caffeinated. We had dropped Terry’s truck off @ Three Rivers park without even checking for a port in(a dumb move I’ll talk about later). Getting back to Reynoldsburg and putting Read more…