1/10/02 from 1g 200mhz fsb to 1.4
AYJHA 266 and decided to upgrade to WIN XP . Why this
was a mistake , and how to uninstall XP .
ASUS A7A266 1.4g@1.5ghzs with 137 FSB ( unlocked the L1's ) 1.775v 256mb kingston DDR 2100 Cooled conventionally with a SK6 . Was getting 55c with Winfop 38 , but down to 46 idle with new cooler . Antec case with two 80mm blowing one pushing Glowire and oscilloscope cover for looks Asus I-panel with front usb ports Yamaha CRW2100 16x burner Radeon All in Wonder - OC'd to 187mhz , getting 10925 in 3dmark2000 compare.shtml - need to be a member to view , I think . How'd I do that ? Noticed a lot of people reaching this page are looking to overclock or change the multiplier on their processor with the A7A266 . This link shows you how with earlier revisions . My board has the 10 dipswitches , allowing me to overclock without soldering .
Side View (case glows at night ) Top with blowhole , switches , and handle
Inside before wire tie cleanup I-panel and side removed with thumbscrews
All in all , this is a mild Case mod , but was fun slappin together something a little different Some of my favorite overclocking and mod links http://www.hardocp.com/ updated daily http://www.frostytech.com/index.cfm lots on info http://www6.tomshardware.com the first review of the new Radeon I could find http://www.overclockers.com/ tons of answers on the forums http://tweakfiles.com/ software tweaks http://www.coolerguys.com commercial vendor of cooling products , mods etc . http://www.crazypc.com/ commercial vendor of cooling products , mods etc . Got any other favorite tweaking , overclocking , modding , or cooling sites ? Enlighten me at webmaster@hotlick.com |
BIDRED case mod |