Its election time and the
democrats are already whining. Kerry is accusing the
Bush team of smear tactics. Of course, I’ve yet to see a “this message is
endorsed my GWB” ad get nasty. The controversy stems from the 527 groups, in
particular The Swift Boat Veterans for Truth ads featuring
Kerry testifying
before the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations on April 22, 1971. Among some
of his allegations; his comrades were cutting the ears off enemy captors,
shooting livestock, raping, killing civilians….etc, etc. Some vets have come
forward, detailing their torture, and interrogations that featured
testimony. Nice soldier eh? When I was in the Military, we’d call him a “buddy
fucker”. That’s right; you heard it hear first,
Kerry’s a rump ranger.
The ads in question have only aired in 3 states. 527’s
cannot support a candidate, only oppose one. $63 million of these 527 television
ads have already run opposing President
Bush, $2 ½ million opposing
Kerry. So
why the sour grapes from Democrats? Me thinks the truth hurts. John
Kerry spent
4 ½ months in Vietnam , received 3 purple hearts. What the fucks he doing
getting hit 3 times!? Well, one time he received an injury from his own grenade WTF !!! I WANT A PURPLE HEART FROM MY STUBBED TOE IN BOOTCAMP !!!
Some of
Kerry’s supporters point to
Bush’s war record in
the Air National Guard , and the possibility he went AWOL.
Bush has released his
military records , and they appear to on the up and up .
Kerry has not released
his , WHY? I’m going to go out on a limb , and say theirs something embarrassing
in their. Most likely scenario, he got the heebee jeebees from his Vietnamese
boy toy. It the only plausible explanation.
I’m not a huge fan of
Bush, but every plan the
Kerry camp
comes up with , turns my stomach.
Universal healthcare:
Great , more of my tax’s paying for welfare birthing machines. It doesn’t work
in Canada , Cuba , Germany , and won’t work here.
Gun Control: WTF , WTF,
WTF . Give me assault weapons !!!!!
The right to choose: Who
cares, I don’t have a Vagina. When I can buy one, get back to me.
Tax’s/ take away the tax cuts for
the rich: Bullshit, the rich will siphon away profits from the poor
anyway they can.
Mind control: It’s a top
secret initiative of the democratic party, to have mindless droves of media
whores subscribing to their elitist utopias. Have you noticed how far left
actors, musicians, and writers are? They have the CHIP !!!!!! If you suspect
they’ve implanted you, they only course of action is to wear a tin-foil hat.
I don't support tin-foil hat wearing.
Interesting blog