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  Last update 03/19/2010

Yep , I've pretty much stopped publishing on this site. I may redirect this to my Worpress site pretty soon.

2009 Marvin Sparks. Pictures this time!

2008 Marvin Sparks. Guess I need to update more than once a year.

The Marvin Sparks fishing Classic was blast. It is held in an undisclosed location in Southern Ohio. 2007

This'll probably be all over the interweb soon. Help Im in Irak

Funny story about lions. If you look hard enough you'll find it's fake.

Need Glasses ?

Solar heat  project


Cindy Sheehan is a stank ass hoe . That is all.

Winner of the 2003 beer commercial awards

2 beer commercials , because ones never enough. Beer bitch .65mb wmv , and T &A beer 2.5mb wmv....not safe for work.

Do ever wonder how many calories you burn during sex? With this guide , I'm averaging 10,000.

 President Bush just sent me this exclusive video footage Celebration !!!!!!!!




An assortment of news about music , filesharing programs , Bands , etc..



Originally put up to showcase home brewing techniques , beer history , nutritional facts . Xcept I haven't brewed in a few years



The Radio station is down to the general public , due to the RIAA's greedy monopolistic , paid for laws . I still stream , just to a select few . Other server is a Kazza supernode .


Misc stuff I'm working on that never seems to be finished . procrastination page .


Collection of funny e-mails , or other defined material found on the internet .


Just a dumb Microsoft Wizard berating you .








Your base belong to me


Graphics and content by 2000

Layout by© 2002