BAN  A case of don't believe everything you read . CNN reports cigarette smokers like higher taxes . Pay particular attention to the Quotes " those who are predicted to be smokers are significantly happier " & "smokers tended to be less educated and were more likely to be unemployed than non-smokers "  . Sounds like they are polling the poor people , who tend to be the recipients of the high social tax . ARGHHH , Oh well , smokem if you gottem . Grow it if you don't :

 I finally started this years crop of tobacco . I'm using what seeds I had left from last year . I started them in the cheap little green house  , you see below 2/22/2001 . there's enough small peat moss containers for 24 plants . I've heard the federal limit is 30 plants per person per year , although I've been unable to verify that . I'm using a seed starter mixture that I bought at Wal-Mart ( that's how the Cubans do it ! ) . Last year I made the mistake of starting them in April and the plants never fully developed by the end of summer . I live in central Ohio so I'd bet southern growers could start later and northern growers should start even earlier .

Tobacco seeds are about half the size of the the periods on this page ( 1200 x 800 resolution ) . It is important to leave the seeds on top of the soil , as they need sunlight to germinate . Notice the care I'm using with the fine mist sprayer , trying to keep the small seeds from being disturbed and covered by soil . The seeds take about 2 weeks to sprout and  and it helps to have them moist at all times . This picture was taken after 2 weeks , and I'm not seeing any green . Perhaps they're not getting enough sunlight in my window sill yet , who knows . I'm keeping my fingers crossed . 3/8/2001

4/10 the seeds must be bad !!!!! I finally have about half of them germinating ...way to small to get a pic of . Next year I'm going to start them in January .


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